
Feathered serpents roar in salutation,

Shrouded in mists, penumbral

Emanations flickering from beyond

As interdimensional wisps

Suspended in perception,

Beheld while time beguiles.

Generative fractal fantasy

Beaming incandescent through aether,

Arcing violet plasma thrust into vision

With astral splendor, resonant mystic glyphs

Of morphing cymatic tones.


Velvet visions of a decadent dimension,

Unlike any morphic paramour.

Ancient wavelength transmission

Deeply woven into the fabric of spacetime,

Unfolding into this realm a manifest pulchritude

To eclipse the summation of all efforts.

Civilizational impact, bringing from the bestial

A sense of sublime purpose

And forcing into focus all that creation has imagined,

Transcending what we comprehend

But still congruent, resonant in our code.

A wink to shared origins,

The aether to which we compile

And return Home.


Cosmic eruptions from soil,

Pearlescent and arrestingly

Luminous in their novelty,

Supernatural filigree

Tantalizing and bending light.

New forms emerge to recombine,

Gemstone helix unwound

Along invisible magnetic lines

As if straining to meet the eye.

Watch them arc and sway

As rain fills each glowing cup,

Babylon towers brought to their knees

With the weight of Her sloppy, wet kiss.


Early eruptors, bold aesthetes strutting

Peacock'd and ready for the first warm rays,

Unhindered by any other, unshaded by the lumbering giants

Slowly and steadily blocking out the sky.

Their colors shriek against relative drabness,

Blistering gorgeous rapture forced into physical space

And seared permanently into the registry of perfection,

Soul-quenching novelty, and real-life magic experienced

In such a way that all benign normalcy seems but a shadow,

Sideshow distractions to occupy the mind

Between sessions of existential rewiring

By flowers with impossible spectral flavor.


Strikingly fundamental,

Refined and efficient, with course simplicity.

Rugged and effective, not in vanity but purely evolved-

Supremely capable and singularly dominant of the seasonal charade.

What visitor could soar low over the Earth,

Observing the vast seasonal spectrum of Gaia's light,

And not notice those imposing sentinels unfazed

By lifeless chill and existence forged

Almost purely in the realm of the extreme?

'Tis these giants who represent us, archetypal life

Dominant and permanent far beyond our feeble reach.


Pollen billowing golden clouds,

Revealing the coniferous secret

So closely guarded in stoic silence.

Enduring winter's chill with sylvan disposition,

Pretending to be so much their own, proud people

But ultimately still a flowering tree

Full of nectars and beauties

Released only in the warm embrace of Spring,

Softened to tears by the morning dew's caress.


We think of air as emptiness,

Denying our medium,

Ignorant of fluid dynamic wonders,

Blind to forces that influence and define

Every aspect of our lives, submerged

In atmospheric juices, swirling

On an orb of gaseous liquid.

Smooth gradient through elemental states,

Matter merely a density, vibrational frequency,

The electro-chemical magnetic dreamscape

Of our jeweled Atlantean aquarium.

All is made plain in observing Her,

Those fluttering undulations,

Dancing as energetic echoes

Suspended and flowing

Consciously through all we know.


As we experience it, is frozen

By the lens of our perception,

And the will of the All

To behold its creation.

Nature, flowers, seasonal cycles

Operate at hyperspeed, binary

To ponderous crystal geology

And cosmological flow.

So She experiences

The spring and summer bloom

As an orgasmic instant,

While we watch it unfold

Moment by meticulous moment.

The gift!


It's so clear now, obvious even-

That temperature controls these plants.

Dilating pores and activating fluids,

Re-animating that which is merely

Suspended for the hibernation chill.

All glory to those hearty few who truly endure,

And find themselves exploding into bloom

Year after year, rapturous

As the sun thaws their bones

And brings them out to play.